Furick Cup BBW has been a favorite for a lot of great welding Talent, this is the ceramic version.
This full ceramic model comes with 2 screen diffusers and this model threads on your 45V44 gas lens if you have a 9 or 20 torch, or if you have a 17,18 or 26 torch you will need the 17kit. This cup is recommended for DC only and 2.4mm tungsten. It will give best results with 30 CFH of argon flow.
A few tips
Keep tungsten clean at all times
Start arc at a low amperage, establish Arc on tip of tungsten then roll into the desired amperage, If arc wanders please clean the tungsten or you may damage the screen diffuser.
Keep screen in the shape it comes with and try not to deform it, If screen replacement is needed make sure the screen is sealed against the walls of the cup or undesired results may occur.